Emmerdale fans slam ‘not funny’ storyline which sees Belle and Vinny steal oil from Eric

Emmerdale fans were left shaking their heads during Friday night’s episode when they blasted a storyline that saw Belle and Vinny Dingle steal oil from Eric Pollard.

During the delivery, Belle and Vinny were battling the cold when Eric walked in and, after tossing a bag of dog poop at the duo, suggested they “take a chance instead of sitting around”, as he did.

After branding the once villainous character ‘condescending’, the Dingles decided to take matters into their own hands and steal Eric’s oil to heat their home.

While filling their jerry cans, Belle (Eden Taylor Draper) and Vinny (Bradley Johnson) listen in on a rather personal phone call as Eric (Chris Chittell) calls his wife to ask where his hemorrhoid cream has gone.

After falling into a fit of laughter, they then fill up their own oil tank when Eric walks by and apologizes for his earlier comments, the robbery he still doesn’t know about, even though it happened right under his nose.

Oh dear: Emmerdale fans were left shaking their heads during Friday night's episode when they blasted a storyline that saw Belle and Vinny Dingle steal oil from Eric Pollard.

Oh dear: Emmerdale fans were left shaking their heads during Friday night’s episode when they blasted a storyline that saw Belle and Vinny Dingle steal oil from Eric Pollard.

Soap viewers were baffled by the plot, who couldn’t believe it was “the highlight” of a slow episode.

One fan of the show wrote, “Christ is this the highlight of the Eric and His Hemorrhoids show.”

Another questioned: ‘”full tanks” in no way emptied Eric’s oil tank with those 2 drums. Worse and worse and worse.

“Stupid story AGAIN… unknowingly stealing oil from Eric and him,” added a third.

Someone else wrote: ‘Vinny and Belle’s story is disgusting AND NOT FUNNY AT ALL’

Another social media user added: ‘Is that Pollard bl****? He just talked to Dingle standing by his oil tank pinching the fuel from him and accepted a ridiculous explanation when they had fuel containers with them.

They continued: ‘These stories are pathetic and insult people’s intelligence.’

“Eric’s blind if he can’t see the pom-poms,” another laughed as they referred to Belle’s oversized hat sticking out above her hiding place.

Whoops: While filling their jerry cans, Belle (Eden Taylor Draper) and Vinny (Bradley Johnson) overhear a rather personal phone call when Eric (Chris Chittell) calls his wife.

Whoops: While filling their jerry cans, Belle (Eden Taylor Draper) and Vinny (Bradley Johnson) overhear a rather personal phone call when Eric (Chris Chittell) calls his wife.

Whoops: While filling their jerry cans, Belle (Eden Taylor Draper) and Vinny (Bradley Johnson) overhear a rather personal phone call when Eric (Chris Chittell) calls his wife.

Not Funny: Soap viewers were taken aback by the story, who couldn’t believe it was “the climax of a slow episode”.

Amid the cost of living crisis and freezing winter weather, the Dingle family has found it difficult to afford heating for their humble home.

The notorious soap opera family has been well known for their rowdy behavior and mischievous money-making schemes over the years, though they have calmed down somewhat in recent years.

But it seems the family is back to their dubious business as after finishing the job, Belle and Vinny soon toast a job well done.

Despite initially being averse to the couple’s dubious deals, Lydia Dingle (Karen Blick) soon softens her stance after the family’s oil tank is refilled.

Victim: The family went back to their old ways as they battle the cold and manage to steal the oil from Eric (pictured)

Victim: The family went back to their old ways as they battle the cold and manage to steal the oil from Eric (pictured)

Victim: The family went back to their old ways as they battle the cold and manage to steal the oil from Eric (pictured)

The post Emmerdale fans slam ‘not funny’ storyline which sees Belle and Vinny steal oil from Eric first appeared on A NEWS GROUP.

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