As far as metaphors for change go, this is a powerful one. However, when we think about the future and the change we might want to make, the natural world provides all sorts of models and lessons. “What about the vile cockroach or the vile earwax?” speak Jessica Ware, associate curator of invertebrates at the American Museum of Natural History, rolled his eyes. (Or Imbler’s gum leaf skeleton.) According to some estimatesaround 60 percent of all animals go through what scientists call Comprehensive metabolism—a fancy word for transforming your whole body like butterflies. ladybug, beetles, bees, lace wingsand flies all entwined themselves and underwent an extraordinary transformation. “You know, there are a lot of interesting insects out there, but they don’t have newspapers, they don’t have greeting cards. It’s all butterflies, butterflies, butterflies,” Ware said. The natural world is filled with stories of transformation, cooperation, and change. Stories that we can all learn fr...